News article announcing the naming of the high school in Manitou, ca 1963.
Promotional materials published by the Nellie Mcclung Foundation.
A European perspectiver on the lives and culture of North American First Nations - 1834.
A detailed history of the various forms this water craft has taken, and a description of their makers.
Genealogical information, memories of Iceland, and woirks of art from one of her journals.
Published by the Manitoba Historical Society in 1970 and edited by John Warkentin and Richard Ruggles, the Historical Atlas of Manitoba contains maps of Manitoba dated 1612 to 1969.
Published by the Manitoba Historical Society in 1970 and edited by John Warkentin and Richard Ruggles, the Historical Atlas of Manitoba contains maps of Manitoba dated 1612 to 1969.
Published by the Manitoba Historical Society in 1970 and edited by John Warkentin and Richard Ruggles, the Historical Atlas of Manitoba contains maps of Manitoba dated 1612 to 1969.