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First Nations

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Includes documents referring to the indigenous peoples of Manitoba.

Human settlement in this part of Manitoba can be traced to at least the 8th century AD. Research at Calf Mountain, a mound builder site, indicated its use as a burial site from the 8th to the 15th century. Numerous indigenous peoples have left their mark on the area.  

Community Histories

Fossil Elephants of Manitoba

Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


    From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare - Helen Buckley

    A history of the experience of prairie indigenous first nations in making the tansition from a buffalo based economy to a settler/colonial economy.


      Fur Trade in the Scratching River Region

      The fur trade in the Morris, Manitoba district.


        Gosselin Generations - the Elders (1880)

        A historical memoir of the Gosselins, one of Manitoba's Métis families. The family lived in the Red River district, in the Rock Lake district before disbursing throughout Manitoba and Saskatchewan.



          Grant, Agnes - No End of Grief - Indian Residential Schools in Canada (1880)

          An account addressing the experiences of First Nations children in the residential schools.


            Hothem - North American Indian Artifacts

            A dated summary of types of First Nation cultural heritage objects and the value placed on them in the antiquities market. 


              Indian Boyhood - Eastman Charles A

              A memoir of a prairie boyhood among the First Nations peoples.


                Kelsey, Henry - The Boy who found the Prairies

                A news article on the influence of Henry Kelsey.


                  Last of the Buffalo - Flathead Reservation 1909 (1909)

                  Comprising a history of the buffalo herd at the Flathead and an account of the last great buffalo roundup.


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