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Pre-European Settlement

0 - 1880

Includes articles which reflect on the development of the structure of our province, its geological evolution.

Manitoba Histories

Lout A C - Pathfinders of the West

An early history of the west.


    Manitoba - A History - 1957 - Morton

    A history of the province.


      Munro W B - The Seigneurs of Canada

      An early Canadian History


        Old Copper in Manitoba - English

        Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

        Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


          Oldtimers - The First People of the Land of the North Wind

          A history of the First Peoples of the Prairies.


            Stone Age on the Prairies - W. J. Orchard

            Archeological research on the prairies.


              The Canadian Indian - Symington

              A history written in the 1970s which contains some of the biases of the period.


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