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The Twenties

1918 - 1929

Post first war mechanization and the modernization of farming.

Community Histories

United Grain Growers Local 225 - History

A short history of the Manitou local of the United Grain Growers Association.


    Vintage Farm Tractors - Michael Dregni, Editor (1890)

    A hundred year history of farm tractors.


      Voth Family and Business History (1920)

      This scrapbook describes the Voth family history, of their coming to Canada, and of settling in the Manitou district. It also provides a summary of their business ventures in the district.


        Willow Bluff School Cairn (1880)

        A news article published at the time of the dedication of the Willow Bluff School Cairn.


          Windsor Lynne E - A Memoir (1910)

          A memoir of life in the McKenzie District of Southern Manitoba.


            Winkler - A Proud Heritage - 75th - pt 2

            A community history.


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