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World War II

1939 - 1945

This 1939 photo, of Wilf Bennet in front of the cenotaph, represents the commitment of the community to the war effort in both world wars.

Community Histories

Manitou (Archibald) Cemetery Files 2015 (1883)

This file, updated to summer of 2015, contains records in the posession of the Municipality of Pembina along with information displayed on the grave markers in the Cemetery.


    Manitou Legion # 21 - WWII Gallery of Service (1939)

    In recognition of the service of Manitou's WWII Veterins through the Legion Memberships, photographs and military service records.


      Maple Leaf Route - CAEN - Copp & Vogel

      Describes the WW2 Canadian campaign in northwest Europe, 1944-45.


        McClung, Nellie L. - Nellie McClung Says - ca 1940

        A collection of McClung's syndicated columns from the 1940s.


          No Feather Beds by Albert Gordon Stevens (1939)

          A memoir of his WW2 experiences.


            The Spectator 1940-41 (1940)

            The Manitou Collegiate Institute Year Book 1940-41.


              Venereal Disease - Guidelines for WW!! personnel (1939)

              A pamphlet handed out to servicemen who were on furlough.


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