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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Agricultural Topics

Ferguson System Ford Tractor 1941 - Manual with T. J Harrison Bio

This equipment manual includes a collection of photos and a short biography of T. J. Harrison OF Graysville, Manitoba.


    Flour Milling Processes - J. H. Scott

    An industry monograph.


      Grain - Thje Entrepreneurs - Charles W. Anderson

      A history of the agricultural sector.


        Grain Elevators of Manitoba - 1 History

        Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

        Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


          Grain Elevators of Manitoba - 2 Inventory

          Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

          Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


            Grain Harvesters - Quick & Buchele

            A history of farm machinery.


              Guide to Farm Practice in Saskatchewan

              Guidelines for best practices on Prairie farms.


                History of Electric Power in Manitoba

                Describes the development of the electrical power grid in Manitoba.


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