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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Manitoba Histories

Heritage of the Southwest

A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting Southwestern Manitoba.


    Heritage Resources of the South Riding Mountain Planning District Pt 1

    A 1980 document published by Manitoba Historic Resources written by Ed Ledohowski.


      Heritage Resources of the South Riding Mountain Planning District Pt 2

      A 1980 document published by the Manitoba Historic Resources Branch and written by Ed Ledohowski.


        History of Manitoba 2 - Gateway to the West

        An illustrated history of Manitoba published in 1998.


          La Riviere Manitou Station on Main Museum - Partnerships with Museums 2021 - La Riviere to Lyleton (1880)

          This monograph is intended to highlight the museum's history, its relationship to the other communities on the line, and pointing out some of the anecdotes from along the line. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2021 project. 

          Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.

          It is for sale from the PMA by contacting

          Price $25

          Shipping and Handling $15.


            La Riviere Manitou Station on Main Museum - Partnerships with Museums 2021 - Rugby to La Riviere (1880)

            This monograph is intended to highlight the museum's history, its relationship to the other communities on the line, and pointing out some of the anecdotes from along the line. It was published by the Pembina Manitou Archive and the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region as part of the Partnerships with Museums 2021 project. 

            Financial support was provided by the Government of Manitoba.

            It is for sale from the PMA by contacting

            Price $25

            Shipping and Handling $15.


              Little White School House - Charyk

              Stories of time spent in small rural schools.


                Manitoba & North Dakota Motor Tour 1930 - Map

                A promotional map encouraging the motoring public to tour the region.


                  Manitoba - Red River Trail

                  A heritage brochure published by the Manitoba HIstoric Resources Branch  promoting a self-guiding driving tour of the Red River Region of Manitoba.


                    Manitoba - A History - 1957 - Morton

                    A history of the province.


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