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The Dirty Thirties

1930 - 1939

This was a time of poverty, of making do with what you had. Farms were less than productive and motorized vehicles were reconstructed to be pulled by horses - Bennett buggies.

Business & Public Affairs

Little White School House - Charyk

Stories of time spent in small rural schools.


    Lobb, Tom & Stella - Manitoba Agricultural Museum Memoir

    A memoir celebrating one of manitoba's farming families.


      MaGee, Gordon F - and the Manitou Opera House (1930)

      Gordon MaGee and his father built homes around Manitou from about 1890 to 1911. Gordon moved to Winnipeg, but was asked to design the 'new' Opera House when it was built in 1930.


        Manitoba & North Dakota Motor Tour 1930 - Map

        A promotional map encouraging the motoring public to tour the region.


          Manitoba Tourist Guide - 1930 (1930)

          Published for the Motoring crowd to promote tourism in Manitoba in 1930.


            Manitoba Trapper's Guide - 1972

            A reprint of a trappers guide from the 1950s with hand drawn illustrations and general guidelines on the trade.


              Manitoba's Diamond Jubilee - 1930 Commemorative Booklet (1880)

              A commemorative booklet which features photos of legislative officials over the past 60 years, comments on provincial development, and photos of regional interest.


                Manitoba's Special Places - A Heritage Quiz

                Promotional document featuring many of Manitoba's heritage sites.


                  Manitou Booster Guide ca 1930 (1930)

                  A pamphlet promoting the businesses of Manitou, published ca 1930.


                    Manitou High School Photos - 1937 - Phyllis Pearce

                    Photos of students in the classroom at Manitou High School ca 1937.


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