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The Settlement Period

1880 - 1913

Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.

Photos & Art Work

LAC-MLA - Photos - Manitoba Lake Boats

A collection of photographs researched and digitized by Ed Ledohowski from the collections of Library and Archives Canada, and the Manitoba Legislative Archive.


    LaRiviere 1906 Souvenir Postcard Letter (1906)

    A set of postcard photos in a booklet showing scenes of LaRiviere in 1906


      LaRiviere, Manitoba - Photo Collection (1880)

      A series of photos which span the decades donated by members of the community.


        Lea, Richard Nathaniel - Watercolours and drawings (1880)

        A sketch book of scenes by Richard Nathaniel Lea. Some are scenes in Wales and the Midlands of England; some are scenes from the Pembina Valley in Southern Manitoba.


          MAM - Harvest Scene - Acheson - MacGregor

          A heritage photo collection.


            MAM - Harvest Scene - Carrothers - Austin

            A heritage photo collection.


              MAM - Harvest Scene - Churchill - Justice

              A heritage photo collection.


                MAM - Harvest Scene - Crouch - Lowe Farm

                A heritage photo collection.


                  MAM - Harvest Scene - Davidson

                  A heritage photo collection.


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