1880 - 1913
Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.
One of the first projects reviewing the architectural heritage of the Pembina Municipality. Although the project was completed in conjunction with Manitoba Heritage, most of the local research was carried out by Bette Mueller.
This collection of documents were gathered as plans were made for the disbursal of the building and effects of the church after the congregation decided to join with St Mary's Kaleida.
A historical booklet regarding the St Andrews district of Manitoba.
A photographic tour through the house which is at the Musee St Joseph Museum in Southern Manitoba.
A short history of the St Luke's Anglican Church at Pembina Crossing in Southern Manitoba, written bu Felix Kuehn.
A survey of the historical significance of the St Lukes's Pembina Crossing Anglican Church building.
A short news article regarding St Luke's Pembina Crossing written by Susan Hiebert.
A collection of documents and photographs collected in association with the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of St Mary's in 1967
A survey of the historical significance of the St Mary's Anglican Church building.
ST Mary's Anglican Church is also known as the Winram Memorial Anglican Church.