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The Settlement Period

1880 - 1913

Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.

Community Histories

Wakopa Story - Ken Storie (1870)

A short history of the Wokopa district in Southwestern Manitoba.


    Wallcraft Joan - True Pioneer Tales (1880)

    A collection of reminiscences from the Archibald School District north west of Manitou, Manitoba.


      Walrond Ranche - The Farm at Pembina Crossing

      A short history of the Walrond Ranche farm near Pembina Crossing.


        Waskada Memoirs (1882)

        A history of the Waskada district.


          When the School Horse was King - Charyk

          Memoir of one room school house days.


            Where Once They Toiled by E. R. Brandt

            A visit to the former homelands of the Mennonite community in the Vistula Valley.


              Whither Thou Goest - Andrew & Ann Gordon (1880)

              A short history of the life and times of Andrew and Ann Gordon, early Methodist ministry in Southern Manitoba.


                Willow Bluff School Cairn (1880)

                A news article published at the time of the dedication of the Willow Bluff School Cairn.


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