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The Settlement Period

1880 - 1913

Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.

Community Histories

Living with Strangers - The 19th Century Sioux - McCrady

Description of the interactions of the Sioux with Euro-colonial settlers.


    Lord Dundonald's Removal from Office

    A collection of documents associated with Captain Andrew H. Bulger, first Governor of the Red River Colony, and his descendants.

    Watson Fond


      Lorne Post Office 1879-1892

      A post office representing a community near Altamont.


        Louise and her Farmers

        A history of the Municipality of Louise in Southern Manitoba.


          Louise Municipality Land Sale Brochure 1889 (1885)

          This brochure promoted the amenities, the lands and services, available in 1889 to those wishing to homestead and settle in what was then the Rural Municipality of Louise - including what is now the western half of Pembina Municipality


            Lyleton MB - 1869-1969 Gnawing at the Past (1880)

            A short history of this south western Manitoba community.


              Lynch, Walter - Leader of the Lynch Party

              Booklet published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

              Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


                MacKenzie, Alexander - Pathfinder to the Pacific

                A short summary of the explorations of Alexander MacKenzie.


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