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The Settlement Period

1880 - 1913

Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.

Business & Public Affairs

Cartwright - Memories along the Badger (1880)

A history of the community of Cartwright and municipality of Roblin in Southern Manitoba.


    Cartwright Blacksmith Shop Restoration (1885)

    A pictorial celebration of the reconstruction and restoration of the Cartwright, Manitoba Blacksmith Shop.


      Cartwright MB - Railway Ave - 1908 (1908)

      An early photo postcard featuring Railway Ave E in Cartwright Manitoba.


        Case Threshing Machinery - 1913

        Promotional brochure advertising the comany's latest machinery.


          Cassin Family - Manitou Hotel Keepers

          One of the early hotel owners in Manitou and photos of the family in community events.


            Cassin House History - Manitou

            One of Manitou's early hotels - an article from the community's history.


              Charter of the Village of Manitou - 1897

              The Provincial Seal and signature of the Atourney General and Lieutenant Governor of the province of Manitoba grace this charter document.


                Charyk J C - Those Bittersweet Schooldays

                Memories of the one room school house.


                  Chatauqua - Cram (1915)

                  A photo and news article about the experineces of a young Manitou teacher who joined the Chatauqua circuit.


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