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The Settlement Period

1880 - 1913

Documents the origins of the community through to the beginning of the first world war.

Business & Public Affairs

Manitou Telephone Exchange (1903)

A short history of the telephone exchange in Manitou with reference to the original subscribers. The MTS Archive has also donated a 1908 box telephone to the Nellie McClung Heritage Site.


    Manitou Tradesmen 1887 (1887)

    Selected pages from a facsimile of a document listing the Tradesmen in Manitoba and the Northwest in 1887.


      Manitou's Gas House (1906)

      Lorne Thompson's report on the Manitou Gas House, which provided lighting to the homes and businesses of the community from 1906 to 1928, contains illustrations and photograph of the machinery used to produce the acetylene gas. The Gas House itself is one of Manitou's heritage buildings.


        Manitou's Notable People - by Bette Mueller (1880)

        A survey collection of short biographies of some of the many people who have influenced the lives of the people of the Manitou community, researched and compiled by Bette Mueller.


          McClung, Nellie L. - Anecdotal Time Line and other sources

          A collection of educational sources including a timeline of events in the  life of Nellie L. McClung.


            McClung, Nellie L. - Charles Oke Reminiscences

            Charles Oke's reminiscences of Nellie McClung as published in the Western Producer.


              McClung, Nellie L. - Crystal Beach Speaking Engagement - ca 1925 (1920)

              Nellie McClung was a well known speaker across Canada throughout the 1910-40 period. Here is a photo and short report of one such engagement from the 1920's.


                McClung, Nellie L. - Elsie McLachlan's Mock Parliament Memories (1910)

                Published in the Victoria Times Colonist, this reminiscence by a niece of Nellie McClung recalls her experience of hearing Nellie McClung in her role as Premier Roblin during the Mock Parliament performance at the Walker Theatre.


                  McClung, Nellie L. - her Wedding Gown (1896)

                  An article from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix concerning the gown McClung wore at her wedding in 1896. 


                    McClung, Nellie L. - Historic Resources Branch 1985 (1880)

                    A revision of the 1981 pamphlet documenting the life and legacy of Nellie McClung prepared by the Historic Resources Branch in 1985.


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