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1960 to Present

1960 - 2012

Within most of our lifetimes.

Community Histories

Boundary Trail National Heritage Region - NWMP Trail Planning

A document related to the history of the BTNHR.


    Boundary Trail Railway Company - Proposal 2008 (2008)

    This document outlined the proposed formation of the BTRC.


      Boundary Trails Heritage Region - Signing Ceremony - Photos

      The signing ceremony creating the Boundary Trails Heritage Region in Manitoba took place in Clearwater on June 25, 1993.


        Boundary Trails Heritage Region - Trail Ride Photos

        A collection of photos taken of heritage sites and events along the route of the Boundary  Trails Heritage Region Trail from Emerson to the Turtle Mountains.


          Brick, Myrtle - Memories (1920)

          One of a series of interviews of Manitou community elders compiled by Bette Mueller.

          This one features Myrtle Brick.


            Bridge Bonnie - Red Coat trail

            A news article describing the trail of the Northwest Mounted Police and the committee's work to preserve its memory.


              Brief History of Pilot Mound

              A community history created by an elementary school class.


                Brown, Frank - A History of Winkler - 1873-1973 (1880)

                A Centennial History of the town of Winker, Manitoba.


                  BTNHR - Annual Report 1994

                  Documentary information of the Boundary Trail National Heritage Region.


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