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The Forties and Post War Growth

1940 - 1960

Following the second world war, a new period of affluence and focus on the family led to a new building boom in the area.

Memoirs & Memories

In View of the Turtle Hill

Norman E. Wright's history of South Western Manitoba.


    Johannesson, Gudlaug ne Helgason - Memoir (1893)

    Gudlaug Helgason was raised near Churchbridge Saskatchewan and in the Grund District of Southern Manitoba. After her marriage to George Johannesson, the couple moved to the West Coast.


      Johnson, Mid - Memories (1920)

      One of a series of interviews of Manitou community elders compiled by Bette Mueller.

      This one features Mid Johnson.


        Jordan, Fred & Muriel - Scrapbook 1956-85 (1956)

        News articles of interest to the family and the Darlingford community.


          Jordan, Muriel ne Jacobs - Biography

          Personal reflections and memories of life in the Darlingford community.


            Keen, Emanuel 'Mac' - My Memories

            Memories of a member of the Darlingford community.


              Klassen, Helen - Memories (1920)

              One of a series of interviews of Manitou community elders compiled by Bette Mueller.

              This one features Helen Klassen.


                Klassen, Peter F. - Heritage

                A family History.


                  Klippenstein Bernice - Memoir (1924)

                  A memoir written by Bernice Klippenstein concerning her life in the Manitou district - 1924 to 2017.


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