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The Forties and Post War Growth

1940 - 1960

Following the second world war, a new period of affluence and focus on the family led to a new building boom in the area.

Business & Public Affairs

Quiring & Bartel - Mennonites in Canada - A Pictorial Record Pt 4

A social history of the Mennonite community in Canada told through photographs.


    Rails Across the Prairies - Ron Brown

    A history of the railways on the Canadian Prairies.


      Railway Stations of Manitoba - A Building Inventory

      Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

      Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


        RCMP Centennial - Document Collection

        An article collection.


          Red River Flood 1950 - German Edition (1950)

          A German Language Edition of the History of the 1950 Red River Flood.


            Researching a Heritage Building - A How To Approach

            Document published by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources Branch.

            Please recognize the attitudes expressed in these bulletins may not reflect current attitudes.


              Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Kellu

              A history of the RCMP to 1973.


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