Accession number |
Document name |
Fond(s) |
PMA_2017_042835 | Brown, Pearle nee Whitney – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042836 | Buckham, William Kirkwood – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042837 | Buelow, Sophia Caroline nee Gulbraa – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042838 | Carswell, Katherine nee Davidson – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042839 | Carter, John Thomas – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042840 | Cassin, Janet Jean Eckford nee Carswell – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042841 | Chalmers, Ronald J – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042842 | Clark, Isabella Henderson – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042843 | Cumberland, Helen Mathilda nee Geving – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042844 | Davidson, Gilbert Ernest – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042845 | Adams, Mary nee Laindsay – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042846 | Anning, Bessie – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042847 | Anning, Frederick John – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042848 | Anthony, Laura E nee Ferguson – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042849 | Archer, John William – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042850 | Ashley, Curtis Hawley – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042851 | Beckett, Sidney S – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042852 | Bowler, Inez Eleanor nee Rach – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042853 | Bradley, Adam James – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042854 | Bradley, Roy Arthur – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042855 | Brick, Gertrude Christina nee Georges – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042856 | Kwast, Reinhold – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042857 | Lyne, Elizabeth – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042858 | Magee, Samuel – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042859 | McGillivary, Lillian May nee Deamel – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042860 | McGillivary, May Edith nee Patterson – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042861 | McGillivray, Robert Archibald – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042862 | McGregor, John Thomas – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042863 | McGregor, Joseph Ralph – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042864 | McKinney, William Henry – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042865 | McLean, Charles Lorne – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042866 | McLean, Donald Ross – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042867 | Dougall, Ellen – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042868 | Durham, Margaret nee Varley – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042869 | Dyck, Kathrin nee Lepp – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042870 | Edwards, Andrew Lett – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042871 | Ferguson, James Mervyn – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042872 | Forrest, George Stuart – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042873 | Forrest, Grace Marguerite – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042874 | Foster, Wilbur Stanley – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042875 | Gemmell, Alexander – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042876 | Georges, Alice, Alvine nee Gendreau – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042877 | Hall, Mabel Marie nee Mitchell – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042878 | Hassett, Anna Elizabeth nee Schenk – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042879 | Helps, John Alexander – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042880 | Hodgson, Biggar Annie Maria nee Brown – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042881 | Jopp, Myrtle Jane nee Galbraith – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042882 | Keen, Henry – obituary | |
PMA_2017_042883 | Selwyn, Alfred Henry – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042884 | Shewfelt, Joanna nee MacKay – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042885 | Stevens, Alfred Frederick – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042887 | Tait, Edward Blake – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042888 | Talbot, Marcel – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042889 | Toohey, Thomas – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042890 | Varley, Agnes nee Hodgson – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042891 | Wilson, Joseph Norman – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042892 | Wirl, Catherine nee Major – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042893 | White, Sydney Houghton – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042894 | Whitney, Laura – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042895 | Sampson, Emily nee Mayne Bater – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042896 | Sanders, Lucas Remy – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042897 | Scott, Mary Ann Minnie nee Watson – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042898 | McNab, Margaret Euphemia nee Stevenson – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042899 | Meadley, Charlotte nee Godridge – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042900 | Meadley, Thomas Leonard – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042901 | Moore, William Robert – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042902 | Moores, Milton Clarance – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042903 | Neighbor, Arthur John – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042904 | Neighbour, Clarence William – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042905 | Neighbour, Richard James – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042906 | Owens, Robert CLark – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042907 | Pipe, George – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042908 | Rendall, Walter Sinclair – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042909 | Robertson, Andrew – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042910 | Robson, John S – obituary | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042911 | Old Millford Reunion 1966 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042912 | Parsonage Family History - 1999 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042913 | St John the Baptist Anglican in Manitou - 25th and 50th Anniversary Celebrations | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042914 | WWI - Willis, Pte Frank | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042915 | Souris Valley Plains - A History | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042916 | Chortitz Memories 1875 - 2002 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042917 | Boy Scouts Association - Manitou and New Haven Manitoba | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042918 | Dufferin Constituency Map 1922 | Archibald Historical Museum |
PMA_2017_042919 | Greenway 1889 - 1975 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042920 | Fargey, Isabella - Memories of Other Days - LaRiviere Memoir | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042921 | Manitou - ByLaws 1897 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042922 | Cavers, Evelyn - Life, As I Remember It | |
PMA_2017_042923 | Memories of Altamont 1884 - 1984 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042924 | The High Mountain - An Altamont History - Beula Swain | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042925 | United Grain Growers - Altamont - a History | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042926 | Manitoba City - Photos | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042927 | Morden Manitoba Postcards ca 1908 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042928 | Pilot Mound Postcards ca 1908 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042929 | Rock Lake Manitoba Postcards ca 1910 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042930 | Alex Cochrane - Manitou Entrepreneur | Archibald Historical Museum |
PMA_2017_042931 | Boundary Trails Heritage Region - Trail Ride Photos | |
PMA_2017_042932 | Boundary Trails Heritage Region - Signing Ceremony - Photos | |
PMA_2017_042933 | Osterwick #2140 - Reunion 1979 | |
PMA_2017_042934 | Osterwick Homecoming Memories 2004 | Pembina Manitou Archive |
PMA_2017_042935 | Tales of the Red River | Archibald Historical Museum |