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Pilot Mound

Home of the Pilot Mound Signal and the Sentinel Courier.


Louise Municipality Land Sale Brochure 1889 (1885)

This brochure promoted the amenities, the lands and services, available in 1889 to those wishing to homestead and settle in what was then the Rural Municipality of Louise - including what is now the western half of Pembina Municipality


    Panting, Gerald - Sketch Map of the Town of Preston 1879 - 1883 (1880)

    The primary purpose of this research project, undertaken by Gerald Panting in 1953 for the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, was to discover what historical materials were still extant in the South Central district of Manitoba at that time. The secondary purpose was to obtain information about the pioneer days from people who knew about that period from first hand.

    This map preserves memories of the inhabitants of an early settlement between Pilot Mound and Marringhurst.


      Settlement Map of 3-11W (1880)

      A settlement map of Township 3 Range 11 W.
