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Mountain City

One of the first communities on the trail from Emerson/West Lynne, Mountain City was built on the edge of the escarpement. Manitou Archive MES2 Mountain City 236

Community Histories

Canada 100 - 1867-1967

A history written for Canada's 100th.


    Canada 1812 - 1871 The Formative Years

    This booklet, originally published by Imperial Oil, provides an understanding of the culture of Southern Ontario in the 19th Century. Many of the original settlers of the Pembina Manitou District came from Southern Ontario in the 1880's.


      Drawing the Line - Ben Kroeker

      Kroeker's photographic study of the reenactment of the Boundary Commission's journey and the celebration of the NWMP journey west.


        Glencross Burial Ground, A Centennial History 1879 - 1967 (1880)

        This short community history includes reference to Mountain City one of the first settlements above the Pembina Escarpment.


          Panting, Gerald - A Historical Survey of Southern Manitoba - A General Index and Summary of Local Sources (1880)

          The primary purpose of this research project, undertaken by Gerald Panting in 1953 for the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, was to discover what historical materials were still extant in the South Central district of Manitoba at that time. The secondary purpose was to obtain information about the pioneer days from people who knew about that period from first hand.

          Files have been named based on the community - from Morden to Killarney - in which the pioneer lived in 1953, not according to where they originally settled.


            Panting, Gerald - A Historical Survey of Southern Manitoba - Introduction (1880)

            The primary purpose of this research project, undertaken by Gerald Panting in 1953 for the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, was to discover what historical materials were still extant in the South Central district of Manitoba at that time. The secondary purpose was to obtain information about the pioneer days from people who knew about that period from first hand.

            Files have been named based on the community - from Morden to Killarney - in which the pioneer lived in 1953, not according to where they originally settled. 
