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Mowbray School / Jackson Hall

The original Mowbray School was the log strucure pictured here.

Memoirs & Memories

Conner, Grace - WW1 Nursing and beyond (1912)

Grace Conner's collection of photographs emphasize the people with whom she interacted while nursing during the First World War.


    JACKSON, Richard & Parker, Margaret - Family History (1880)

    The family story of the Jacksons, who loaned their name to the Jckson Hall and commiunity.


      Southern Manitoba and the Turtle Mountain Country by Rev L. O. Armstrong

      Rev. L. O. Armstrong's diary of his journey from Emerson to the Turtle Mountains.


        Tennant, J. F. - A Tour Through the Turtle Mountain District - 1880

        Tennant's diaries of his journey from Emerson to the Turtle Mountain district of Manitoba.


          Tennant, Joseph F. - Letters from a Journey to the Turtle Mountains - 1882

          Letters written by Tennant and published in the Emerson International.


            Tennant, Joseph F. - Rough Times 1870-1920

            Tennant's autobiographical memoir of his time in Southern Manitoba.
