This ford served the Metis as one of their main stop overs on their trek south for the buffalo hunt. It served the community as a supply centre for several decades.
These images, from glass negatives, are as yet uniden tified, but are believed to be from the Mowbray and McKenzie District.
photographs taken by Cecil Guest of a farm in the McKenzie District.
photographs taken by Cecil Guest of a farm in the McKenzie District.
Photos taken by Guest at the Victoria Day Celebrations in 1905.
Photos taken by Guest at the Victoria Day Celebrations in 1905.
Photos taken of the Strachan family of McKenzie Districe. From glass negaitves created by photographer Cecil Guest.
Photos taken of the Strachan family of McKenzie Districe. From glass negaitves created by photographer Cecil Guest.
From a collection of glass negatives found at Fairbrook Farm Guest was in the community from 1900 to 1907.
From a collection of glass negatives found at Fairbrook Farm Guest was in the community from 1900 to 1907.
A collection of photographs researched and digitized by Ed Ledohowski from the collections of Library and Archives Canada, and the Manitoba Legislative Archive.