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Built on a site south of the rail line, replacing the former site of Manitoba City.

Architectural Heritage

La Riviere CPR Station Depot - Archibald Photos

A collection of photos focueing on the transfer of the La Riviere CPR Station Depot to the Archibald Historical Museum.


    La Riviere CPR Station Depot - Provincial Designation Ceremony Photos

    A collection of photos taken at the Dedication Ceremony where the LaRiviere CPR Statio Depot received Provincial Designation.


      La Riviere CPR Station Depot - Provincial Designation Process

      A collection of documents which outline the process of acquiring Provincial Heritage Status for the La Riviere CPR Station Depot.


        MaGee, Gordon F - and the Manitou Opera House (1930)

        Gordon MaGee and his father built homes around Manitou from about 1890 to 1911. Gordon moved to Winnipeg, but was asked to design the 'new' Opera House when it was built in 1930.


          Manitou - Step Back in Time

          A brochure featuring the architectural heritage of Manitou, Manitoba.


            Manitou Builders - Mueller & Butterfield (1880)

            A survey of early architectural styles in homes built by Manitou's best known architect/builders. 


              Manitou Gas Company Plant - Seven Drawings (1880)

              An architectural survey of the Manitou Gas Company Plant building. This project was a partnership between the Pembina Manitou Culture and Heritage Association and Heritage Manitoba. 


                Manitou MB - Architectural Photo Study

                A collection of photographs concerning Manitou's architectural heritage.


                  Manitou MB - Historical Sites

                  Prepared in conjunction with Historical Resources Branch, this ducments gives a brief history of important community historical sites.


                    Manitou Opera House Accessibility Project - Opening Ceremony Program (2014)

                    The program from the Accessibility Project Grand Opening.


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