Hazel School District # 517. This is the school in which Nellie McClung taught when she first came to the community. Manitoba Archive MES2 Hazel 517 N24110
A collection of documents and photographs of the Hasselfield and Carter families. Nellie McClung boarded with the Hasselfields in the Hazel district when she came to Manitou to teach in 1890. Nellie and Clara were lifelong friends.
Hazel School District's Football team won the Rogers' Cup in 1901. Among the players were Frank and Percy Hasselfield, whom Nellie McClung came to know well since she boarded with their family when she came to teach at Hazel School in 1890.
This article recognizes the importance of the restoration and preservation work undertaken by the Wallcraft Family in order to preserve the Hasselfield Log House and the McClung House. The article includes photos and several brochures produced for distribution to visitors to the houses while they were at the Museum.