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One of the village school districts in the Mennonite West Reserve of Southern Manitoba.

Community Histories

Atlas of the Original Mennonite Settlements of the West Reserve in Manitoba

An atlas of the many Mennonite communities of the West Reserve in Southern Manitoba.


    Canada 100 - 1867-1967

    A history written for Canada's 100th.


      Mennonite Settlements of Southern Manitoba (1880)

      A survey history of the development of the Mennonite settlements in the East and West Mennonite Reserves in Southern Manitoba, written by John H Warkentin.


        Neuenburg and Birkenhead School District (1880)

        Neuenburg & Birkenhead - The Survival of a Community, a community history written by Henry Unger, documents a small community south of Winkler Manitoba.


          Red River Flood 1950 - German Edition (1950)

          A German Language Edition of the History of the 1950 Red River Flood.
