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Browse Felix Kuehn

AK-Kingsley_Laing House - Jim Willox mason (1896)

Built in 1896, this was probably the last of the stone houses built by Jim WIllox in the district.


    Kuehn, Felix - Biography of Cecil Francis Guest (1899)

    Cecil Francis Guest was one of the outstanding photographers of the Pembina Manitou District, working here from 1900 to 1906.


      Memoir of Dr Matthew Young - Ch 2 The Manitoba Boom (1880)

      A historical Reconstruction by Felix Kuehn.


        Memoir of Dr Matthew Young - Ch 3 An Introduction to Pembina Crossing (1880)

        A historical reconstruction by Felix Kuehn. 


          Memoir of Dr Matthew Young - Ch 4 The Eden of Manitoba (1880)

          A historical reconstruction by Felix Kuehn.


            Memoirs of Dr Matthew Young - Ch 1 Winnipeg (1880)

            A reconstruction of a lost memoir, written by Felix Kuehn.


              Murder in the Flowerbed - The Death of Ed Bailey (1880)

              Felix Kuehn tells the story of the death of Manitou district pioneer Ed Bailey.


                Pembina Crossing - Ch 7 - A History (1880)

                Felix Kuehn's short history of the community at Pembina Crossing.


                  Pembina Crossing - Oil and Gas Exploration (1880)

                  A history of the different exploration projects which took place in the early 1900s in the Pembina Crossing district.


                    Richard N. Lea's Migratory Bird Journal - Transcription by Felix Kuehn (1880)

                    A transcription by Felix Kuehn with added articles and newspaper references to R. N. Lea's work as a naturalist.


                    Fond: Lea Family
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